More installation

The date of the stall opening is getting nearer and nearer. There seem to have tons of things to be done. Today have the kitchen equipment delivered and the contractor came in to fixed up more of the fixes and in the evening at last they brought in the bain marie but not the completed one as the top and glass is not fixed yet. Do think the bain marie is too tall so might have some problem passing food to the customer. Well got to start first and see how it go, will have to see if i could use other alternative to improve or any other way to rearrange. The signboard contractor also had installed the top signage and side menu board. Almost ready for business......

Side menu board

Rack to hold the oven over the freezer.

Overhead cabinet

Working table and bottom cabinet.

installing and placing more fixtures but not complete.

Dealing with the contractor is always a big headache. They tend to promise able to complete but till the last minutes they will give you stupid reason saying time given too short and all sort of reasons. I should have draft up a document on my own to indicate that if they are not able to complete on the given date and they will need to compensate the loss time like the big organization does. We usually the consumer are always at the losing end. Any way they still put up some of the fixtures for me.

4 Door Chiller

Top open Freezer


Rice Cooker and table.

Stove and cooking table

Gas meter

Overhead stand for storage.


Purchasing of Kitchen utensil

When planning to start my purchase of the kitchen utensil, i did went around a few of them that were specialize in kitchen ware.

1. Sia Huat (7 Temple Street)
2. Lau Choy Seng(23 Temple Street)
3. 5B Pte Ltd (42 Joo Chiat Road)
4. Guan Huat Lee Trading (58, Joo Chiat Road)
5. Some other neighborhood kitchen utensil store which might not have the full range of utensil needed.

I did try to compare prices, but holding a list of more than sixty over items and wanted to compare prices was a bit tough. There will be time when this outlet certain item is cheaper but another would be more expensive. Some of the outlet will not have price tag labeled and if you check too much price and buying nothing, the sales person won't show you a good face. So in the end i have to settle down to one outlet to make the purchase, they could gather most of the thing in one stop and let them delivery to your stall. Guan Huat Lee Trading could be a better choice as they don't charge GST but the rest does, but i brought most of my stuff from Lau choy seng as they have a wider range of variety of products. I think should have do a much better planning the next round as i could have split more of my items as i could save some money on the purchase. Well just a lesson learned and that is the school fee that i have to pay.

Power point and light installation

Today was at the stall waiting for the lights and extra power point installation.  The whole installation took around 5hrs to complete. It was just a small stall with 2 locations of power point, some down lights, extra light for the side roller shutter and changing of all the tube for the display signboard. I was expecting a much shorter time to complete but guess i was wrong.  Today at last i saw the stall opposite mine was opened. This was the stall that i previously wanted to get but was not able to get it. The owner said they are selling "Teo Chew Porridge". They are opening a hawker stall for the first time, well that is same like me.

Extra power point installed

Hanged over downlight for the stall.

One of the stall owner commented that the downlights look like tomato. He also suggested that i put some green color stuff over the like which will make it even more tomato.

Joining Facebook Shallots Group.

Hi all, i have created a shallots group in facebook. you are welcome to join this group. I will use that to broadcast some of the update i have in my stall. Thank you for your support.

Just click on below link and sign on to join the group.

Stall opening

Opening of a hawker stall seem easy but when you actually go thru the whole process, it did not seem easy for me. First of all, need to do bidding of stall. so constantly need to look out for new stall available. Once the bidding process is over, you will signed for the tendency agreement and get the key. They let you have a grace period of 2 week to do the necessary preparation before they start to charge you the rental. These seem fair to me. After that, you will need to start to look for contractor to do up all your bain marie,shelves,fridge etc. As most know the hawker stall are usually very small take mine for instance is only eight meter sq. I do find it a challenge to place in all the equipment and fixtures and need to make more space for storage.   All installation will need to be drafted out and send in for approval by NEA. Need to liase with electrician and the signboard maker. The following are some picture that i have taken when i got the key and checking the stall for the first time.

Hook area with gas piping

wash basin area


Store front which need signboard display.

 Another side with roller shutter.

Information-Peranakan Cuisine

Peranakan Cuisine

Peranakan, Baba-Nonya or also known as straits chinese are descendants of late 15th and 16th century Chinese immigrants. They have adopted partially or in full customs to be somewhat assimilated into local communities.  They could be found in Malaka, Penang, Singapore and Indonesia.  Perankan cooking is the result of blending chinese ingredients and wok cooking techniques with spices used by malay/indonesia/asia community. The food is tangy, aromatic,sweet,salty,spicy and herbal. The key ingredients include coconut milk, galangal,tamarind juice, lemongrass, pandan leaves,belachan, kaffir lime, turmeric etc.


Don't have promotion running at this moment. 

Information-Chap Chye

Chap Chye means mixed vegetables. This dish is prepared with fresh vegetables, fungus, bean produce and others. Mushrooms and beans had been known for its health benefits and nutritional values. The blending of these flavors made it a wonderful dish.

Some of the raw ingredient are cabbage, carrots, bean stick, mushroom and fungus and others.

Chap Chye

Information - Acar

Acar Awak (Spicy mixed vegetable pickle). This is a homemade pickle from more than 7 kind of vegetables and more then 7 kind of aromatic, herbs and spices. So it have some sweet,salty,spicy and sourly taste.

Some of the vegetables like cabbage,cucumber, cauliflower,french beans, long bean,carrots,turnips etc. Others that flavor the pickle are chili, lemon grass,shallots,garlic,gelangal etc. 

Finished product where all vegetables is cut and mixed.

Information-Buah Keluak

Buah Keluak, sometime known as black gold is a Indonesian black nuts from the kepayang tree. The fresh of the nuts is dug out to cook with either chicken, pork or beef.  The empty shell of the nuts is used to stuffed in mined meat. The fresh give the dish cooked it very unique aroma and taste.

These are the nuts which are raw and not soaked yet.

These nuts have been soaked and cut to dug out the fresh in it.


We are located at:

Commonwealth Crescent Market, (near blk 117)
commonwealth crescent,
Singapore 140000.
Email :
Mobile: 98411071
Operating Hours: 11:30-20:30
(Stall Closed every Monday)
Join us in facebook grouping Shallots, click on link below to join.

Bus Service: 93, 105, 123, 153, 186,195 alight at the bus stop in front of Blk 97, this is opposite the Ridout Tea Garden which have a Mcdonald's Rest in it. The walking distance is just 5 mins away

The commonwealth MRT station is just 10mins walking distance away from the hawker center. The bus services at the station are : 32,100,105,111,145,147,195,196,198 and 970.

Information-Green Curry

The Green curry paste is made from numerous herb and spices, especially green chilies which composite the color of this dish.

The following are some of the herb and spices that are add to made the paste.


1. Mutton Rendang Set Meal - $4.00
Mutton stewed in coconut and spices, nonya style acar,papadum cracker served with fragrant turmeric rice.

2. Buah Keluak Babi Set Meal - $5.50
Soft bone pork ribs stewed in black bean, nonya style acar,chap chye,papadum cracker served with fragrant turmeric rice.

3. Assam Pedas stingray set Meal - $3.80
Stingray in tamarind sauce, nonya style acar,papadum cracker served with fragrant turmeric rice.

4. Green curry pork Set Meal - $3.50
Pork stewed in green spicy coconut sauce, nonya style acar, served with fragrant turmeric rice.

5. Red Curry Chicken Set Meal - $3.50
Chicken stewed in spicy milk and yogurt sauce,nonya style acar served with fragrant turmeric rice.

6. Ayam Sio Set Meal - $3.50
Chicken stewed in tamarind,coriander and shallots sauce ,nonya style acar served with fragrant turmeric rice.

7. Babi Pongtay Set Meal - $3.50
Pork rips and bamboo shoot braised in bean paste and dark sauce ,nonya style acar served with fragrant turmeric rice.

8. Hee Peow Soup(Fish Maw Soup)-$3.00

Nice fish maw soup base with vegetable, fish ball and meat ball.

9.Sweet Potato Durian Oneh Oneh-$0.50 per pc

Meshed sweet potato form into ball with filling of durian and gula malaka and coated with steamed granted 
coconut infused with pandan leaves. Only available on Sunday.

Alacarte Order

1.  Mutton Rendang  - $3.50
2.  Buah Kalauk Babi - $4.50
3.  Assam Padas Sting ray - $3.00
4.  Green Curry Pork - $3.00
5.  Red Curry Chicken - $3.00
6.  Ayam Sio - $3.00
7.  Rice - $0.50
8.  Acar - $0.70
9.  Mixed Veg (chap chai) - $0.70
10. Extra buah kalauk Nuts - $1.00
11. Babi Pongtay - $3.00 
12. Take away box - $0.20