Rainy day

Rainy day for some of us will be flavored day as it will be a nice time to sleep, for me it seem to be the worst day, as it is more difficult to travel to open the stall and sale for the day will be falling into the drain. This particular food center or market that the stall is in, is a very unique block as it don't have a block number to it. The market is surrounded by three other block so for stranger to this area might have difficulty in locating the market.  There are not connecting shelter from the surrounding three block. From the main road there are also no connecting shelter as well. As this is a aged district where there are a lot of elderly around, why they don't have a shelter for them so that they could travel around even in the raining season and don't have to get wet, which could cause them a bomb if they happened to get sick. Well had read the paper indicating that the raining season will still continue to the month of January. If this still goes on, don't know how the business is going to survive.     

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