Radio 1003

Managed to get a broadcasting over the Radio FM1003 on last friday morning in the segment "Mana Pergi". This is the segment where listener could called in and recommend a shop or stall where they found it worth while to recommend it to the other listener. The DJ Wen Hong, Li Mei and Jian Wen was kind enough to let me recommend my stall and my food. I have recommended Buah Keluak Babi,Red Curry Chicken and Green curry pork. Once after the radio broadcasting i got the first customer, coming to my stall to try my food at 11:15 that very day, and he came over 3 consecutive day and Sunday he brought the whole family to join him, i was very touch by his action.  Some of the listener do identified themselves but i guess some did not. Thanks to those who came over to give the support to me and talking to a few know that some came a long way such as from paris ris, bedok, bukit pangjang etc.

Guess media do play an important part in doing business, the dessert stall that appear in the TV show have a fair share of attention where you will see long queue for the dessert, well do hope one day i would be getting this kind of queue for eating at my stall.

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