A Special Day..

Everyone have their birthday, most of us will usually take a day off on our birthday itself, unless there are some project that you need to rush for. Out of so many birthdays i guess this is the toughest one but also a very touching one that i have ever had. As usual i will need to be in my stall at 630am and try to rush out everything before 1130am so that the stall could be operational. First touching moment, one of the customer came to me and told me that he had went thru my entire blog site. Thinking that someone which i don't really know had taken time to look thru my blog really touches my heart. His appreciation of the food that i prepare also touches my heart. 2nd touching moment, may and her daughter visit. It has been for awhile since the last time i see her and yet she remembered my birthday and specially came over and send her greeting. It really came a surprise to see her.3rd touching moment my brother-in-law, brought over my niece and nephew to send their wishes and even help out in cleaning the dishes. The final touching moment, the group of previous colleague came over to taste my food and at the same time brought me a birthday cake and sang a birthday song for me in the hawker centre infront of my stall, this is something that i wont' be able to forget. A big thank you to Mellisa,Aunt Lum,Chua,Ferty,Yen Ting, Yen Khim,Nicholas and "Yan Tao" You guy have made this day a very special day that i won't forget.



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