
I have tried some new dessert which most don't really find it in the market. The first was the durian sego. some of the customer really like it, some find that the durian is not strong enough although the smell of durian is there but they can't really taste the durian. Well did put a fair amount of durian in it guess while cooking it the durian have dissolve into the liquid itself. This is only sold at $0.50 to customers who purchase the set menu from me. The second one is the durian cheese swiss roll, some have like it many don't take durian guess if they take it at lunch time they might have he durian smell when they go back to the office. Guess this combination have some problem cause after one day of storing the durian tend to turn sour, guess cheese and durian does not might well although the initial taste was good. but the cream chesee that i used will react with the durian.So my dream of doing a durian cheese log cake during christmas will not be there. Just yesterday tried the durian agar agar. Feedback not sweet enough, another feedback durian not strong enough cause she is a durian lover.

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