Stall operating for three days..

After the whole all the hip-cup that i got from my first day and second day. I took a break on Monday. Guess of the sudden load, the environment, wanting to make thing right, the extended hours make me suddenly wanted to break down. Those things that make me feel better is talking to some of the customers and found that they really like my food and that was a console. There was even one of the foreigner who came by and i introduce him to buah keluak and my complimentary durian sago and to my surprise he actually like the taste of buah keluak. There is still quite alot of them don't know buah keluak or not even heard of it. Well guess i will try as much as possible to promote this buah keluak, i really like the taste of it, find it very nice and addictive. Hope they will get addicted and come to my stall more. Just kidding....   

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