Opening Day.

After the long or short wait Shallots is officially opened today. A very great thanks to all that have send in your wishes and those who had send me the flowers and wine. It was like a very rush day and extremely busy as cooking is only done by me. Great thanks to my sister, Belinda, my brother in law, thomas and my best friend edcent for their help. Without them i don't think i would be able to make it thru. So much has happen, first of all is the rice cooker which give me half past six cooking cause i was not able to get the rice cook properly, so got to waste all the rice. Later came by the power trip which i had to work in darkness for hour and the past, lucky was able to get the electrician down to fixed it. Guess this is one of the stresses time i have had. And guess i have plan too much menu to cook as i was not able to produce everything on time. We also had to push away customers as we ran out of rice.  When the rice is cooked found that the same problem come back were the rice is not properly done. Well this is the first day of stall opening. I hope with the experience gain we could do much better and hope time and customers permit us to changed.....

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