A Special Day..

Everyone have their birthday, most of us will usually take a day off on our birthday itself, unless there are some project that you need to rush for. Out of so many birthdays i guess this is the toughest one but also a very touching one that i have ever had. As usual i will need to be in my stall at 630am and try to rush out everything before 1130am so that the stall could be operational. First touching moment, one of the customer came to me and told me that he had went thru my entire blog site. Thinking that someone which i don't really know had taken time to look thru my blog really touches my heart. His appreciation of the food that i prepare also touches my heart. 2nd touching moment, may and her daughter visit. It has been for awhile since the last time i see her and yet she remembered my birthday and specially came over and send her greeting. It really came a surprise to see her.3rd touching moment my brother-in-law, brought over my niece and nephew to send their wishes and even help out in cleaning the dishes. The final touching moment, the group of previous colleague came over to taste my food and at the same time brought me a birthday cake and sang a birthday song for me in the hawker centre infront of my stall, this is something that i wont' be able to forget. A big thank you to Mellisa,Aunt Lum,Chua,Ferty,Yen Ting, Yen Khim,Nicholas and "Yan Tao" You guy have made this day a very special day that i won't forget.



Choice of food.

Today going to revise the price of the menu... Seem like over the area there is a lot of people don't understand the food preparation and ingredient you put in as long as it is cheap and that will be good enough for them. I' glad that there are few still know how to appreciate it. You alway happy to talk to these people and exchanging their experience with you.  I also felt that most youngster now a day also don't really like spicy stuff, even my own nephew and niece also don't take those thing i sell and cook, unless i do some fried chicken nuggets, chicken wings or fries for them.Guess also partially my fault cause i like to bring them to either mcdonalds or KFC for dinner and lunch. Guess they have make the fries and Fried chicken so tasty that make people wanting to go back to them. The friendly and warm environment make people wanting to stay there. 

More Business opportunity

Have been talking to quite a few customer who like my food, they were asking if i do catering. I said only cooking for family. This afternoon another lady came asking if i do food packing and delivery. This evening another gentleman suggested that i should take corporate order especially for those doing roadshow where they will pack for their staff. This will required the vendor to delivery the food to them and the packaging of the food must be presentable.   Guess there are lots of opportunity out there, many way to increase the business but now think how to revent my prices, without lossing to much and having more people to try my food.


The month of October, seem like lots of people i know birthday fall on this month. I even thought that one of my previous colleague birthday fall on this month and so i SMS her birthday wishes and just to found out that it actually fall on December. Yen Khim birthday fall on Oct as well and so am I. Thank you for celebrating your birthday at my stall having my food. I'm glad that all your friend love my food. And once again Happy birthday and wishing you having a wonderful year ahead.

The Cleaners....

Most of the hawker center have some cleaner help to clear your table after you have finished your meal.  These cleaner are usually quite lowly paid. So people who take up this job could be some old folk or some handicap. I was very touch to see one of customer who folk out money for one of the older cleaner lady to buy food as she know she cannot afford it. When i mention handicap, they could be having problem with their limb or mentally they are not well and they could be on medication. Allowing them to work give them a chance that allow them to return to the society and live together with the rest of the people, so please do give them a chance as sometime they might make mistake easily or might be slower. They are trying their best to do the best.  Be kind and be nice.

Stall operating for three days..

After the whole all the hip-cup that i got from my first day and second day. I took a break on Monday. Guess of the sudden load, the environment, wanting to make thing right, the extended hours make me suddenly wanted to break down. Those things that make me feel better is talking to some of the customers and found that they really like my food and that was a console. There was even one of the foreigner who came by and i introduce him to buah keluak and my complimentary durian sago and to my surprise he actually like the taste of buah keluak. There is still quite alot of them don't know buah keluak or not even heard of it. Well guess i will try as much as possible to promote this buah keluak, i really like the taste of it, find it very nice and addictive. Hope they will get addicted and come to my stall more. Just kidding....   

Opening Day.

After the long or short wait Shallots is officially opened today. A very great thanks to all that have send in your wishes and those who had send me the flowers and wine. It was like a very rush day and extremely busy as cooking is only done by me. Great thanks to my sister, Belinda, my brother in law, thomas and my best friend edcent for their help. Without them i don't think i would be able to make it thru. So much has happen, first of all is the rice cooker which give me half past six cooking cause i was not able to get the rice cook properly, so got to waste all the rice. Later came by the power trip which i had to work in darkness for hour and the past, lucky was able to get the electrician down to fixed it. Guess this is one of the stresses time i have had. And guess i have plan too much menu to cook as i was not able to produce everything on time. We also had to push away customers as we ran out of rice.  When the rice is cooked found that the same problem come back were the rice is not properly done. Well this is the first day of stall opening. I hope with the experience gain we could do much better and hope time and customers permit us to changed.....

Stall really opening.

After all the hustle of getting contractor, moving around getting equipment and places to get the raw products and now finally going to open the stall tomorrow or consider today or later.  Have been trying to do my prep for the pass two days, there seem to have tons of thing to be done and yet the time running so fast which leave me very little time to work. Wow.. few more hours will be going back to stall again and do all my cooking and really serving the customer at my stall. My mate were telling me that i have prepared too little food for my big day. Do hope that i will have a big hit. Wish me luck.