Peranakan Food fair

Taken a stall at SMU for the peranakan fair, thanks to glann who relate this message to me when he saw it in the classified. Think this would be a chance for me to sell my stall to more people hopping that would come in and look for my stall. We will be serving some of the food that i served at the stall such as curry chicken, buah keluak, babi pongtay,ayam sio and the sweet potato durian oneh oneh. Hopping this new flavor will attract some attention. Well if you have the time do visit us at the craft and food section on 28 and 29 Nov 09.

Rainy day

Rainy day for some of us will be flavored day as it will be a nice time to sleep, for me it seem to be the worst day, as it is more difficult to travel to open the stall and sale for the day will be falling into the drain. This particular food center or market that the stall is in, is a very unique block as it don't have a block number to it. The market is surrounded by three other block so for stranger to this area might have difficulty in locating the market.  There are not connecting shelter from the surrounding three block. From the main road there are also no connecting shelter as well. As this is a aged district where there are a lot of elderly around, why they don't have a shelter for them so that they could travel around even in the raining season and don't have to get wet, which could cause them a bomb if they happened to get sick. Well had read the paper indicating that the raining season will still continue to the month of January. If this still goes on, don't know how the business is going to survive.     

Food Catering

Food Catering:Family gathering and party.

Choose any 6 items from the main menu, 1 item from the noodles/Rice + 1 dessert. (Min 20 pax)
Per head cost  $15 (Self Collection )

Package A (20 pax)
6 main dishes + Rice or noodles + 1 dessert - $450 nett
(include transportation,setup,2 x table,food warmer, disposal crockery,1 fruit cordial drinks)

Package B (30 pax)
6 main dishes + Rice or noodles + 1 dessert - $630 nett
(include transportation,setup,2 x table,food warmer, disposal crockery,1 fruit cordial drinks)

Package C (40 pax)
7 main dishes + Rice or noodles + 2 dessert - $800 nett

(include transportation,setup,2 x table,food warmer, disposal crockery,1 fruit cordial drinks)

Above 40pax please call for quotation. Number:98411071

Main dishes
1.  Buah Keluak Babi
2.  Rendang Mutton
3.  Assam Pedus Stingray
4.  Green Curry Pork
5.  Red curry Chicken
6.  Ayam Sio
7.  Babi Pongtay
8.  Sambal Sotong
9. Chap Chai
10.Fried Mid chicken wings
11.Spicy prawn with tomato and corn sauce
12.Hew peow Soup
13 Fried Gongoh Hiang
14.Baked turmeric Chicken

1. Turmeric rice
2. Fried Mee Siam
3. Fried Mee Gorang
4. Belacan fried rice with salted fish

1.  Durian Sego
2.  Durian Agar Agar
3.  Sweet potato during oneh oneh
4.  Durian Tapioca cake
5.  Almond Longan.

Today Special

My sister brought for me a white board, she see that i have been creating impromptu items such as the durian sego,durian cheese swiss roll as mention in the dessert posting. The white board is for me to write these impromptu items so that customer can see what i have to offer and don't have to really ask every single customer. Today i have made beef rendang lasagna for my today special menu, two of my very supporting customer come back for it, after i have mentioned to them that i will be having that. One of the customer who had never taken lasagna before also find it nice and tasty. Another one requested that i made chicken one as she and the family don't take beef but do love lasagna, since there is such request will made lasagna chicken the next round. 


There are so many kind of chili, those sweet chili sauce which are used in fast food restaurant which the youngster are very familiar about it. The very hot chili which is the chili padi, the big red chili which has a nice fragrant but not as hot,the green chili which is used for pickled. There so many kinds and species that is unknown to this part of the world.  Those chili that have their ends pointing to the sun are the hottest  then those pointing to the ground.  Was having this idea that Singaporean are people who are able to take spicy food, but seem like i was wrong. There seem to have a majority of them who don't take spicy or chili hot food. This is true especially for the younger generation, even my niece and nephew don't take chili. They are more keen to fried food or fast food. But i have come across a young boy who was very fond of chili the parent told me that they had trained him to eat chili since he was a baby so he had no problem with the hottest chili around. i'm just glad there are still people like him that still like and eat chili.


I have tried some new dessert which most don't really find it in the market. The first was the durian sego. some of the customer really like it, some find that the durian is not strong enough although the smell of durian is there but they can't really taste the durian. Well did put a fair amount of durian in it guess while cooking it the durian have dissolve into the liquid itself. This is only sold at $0.50 to customers who purchase the set menu from me. The second one is the durian cheese swiss roll, some have like it many don't take durian guess if they take it at lunch time they might have he durian smell when they go back to the office. Guess this combination have some problem cause after one day of storing the durian tend to turn sour, guess cheese and durian does not might well although the initial taste was good. but the cream chesee that i used will react with the durian.So my dream of doing a durian cheese log cake during christmas will not be there. Just yesterday tried the durian agar agar. Feedback not sweet enough, another feedback durian not strong enough cause she is a durian lover.